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Century Learning

At Wild Bank Community School, we are committed to ensuring our pupils achieve the best they possibly can and we are always looking for ways to extend our pupil’s learning. That’s why we are now using CENTURY – a ground-breaking online learning platform – to inspire learning.  

What is CENTURY?

CENTURY is an online learning tool for pupils in years 2,3,4,5 and 6. It combines artificial intelligence with the latest research in the science of learning and neuroscience. The platform identifies every child’s strengths, gaps in knowledge and misconceptions. Pupils can log in and complete work that has been set by their teacher or suggested for them by the advanced recommendation engine.  It allows pupils to take control of their own learning and for teachers to get real-time data on progress, allowing them to quickly identify which children need support or additional challenge.

What does this mean for my child’s learning?

CENTURY will complement existing teaching methods. Teachers have the freedom to decide how they incorporate CENTURY into classroom and home learning.  We will ensure that all pupils will have access to appropriate facilities to complete work on CENTURY.

Accessing CENTURY

Children are able to access CENTURY at anytime and anywhere. It is available to them in school and also at home. All they need to do is visit the ​CENTURY website​ and enter their unique login details. Their login details will have been given to them by their teacher.

The platform can be accessed from tablets and laptops on up-to-date versions of most common browsers. The best browsers are Chrome on PCs and Android devices and Safari on iPads. It is not currently optimised for use on mobile phones.

One of the many benefits of CENTURY is that parents and carers are able to see how their child has performed. CENTURY is a fantastic platform for children to complete homework that is tailored to their level and enables parents to track their child’s progress when completing their homework and any work in school linked to CENTURY.

What does this mean for your child’s personal data?

CENTURY is fully compliant with all relevant data protection legislation, including GDPR and has processes in place to ensure data is secure. Personal information, such as names and dates of birth, are authorised to be shared by the school according to the data sharing agreement signed by all parents.

How do I find out more?

If you have any questions about CENTURY, please feel free to get in touch with your child’s teacher. Alternatively, you can visit CENTURY’s website or email CENTURY at