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Subject Leader: Mrs. Abraham

At Wild Bank Primary, we strive to create a love and passion for Maths. Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure coverage is balanced, structured and allows for deep learning.

We use White Rose Maths as our Maths curriculum spine, and supplement this with additional resources when appropriate for our children. Our lessons take small steps in learning to build up the children’s knowledge. Whole class teaching is carefully adapted through targeted questioning and different levels of support structures. Pupils will often work collaboratively, enhancing their reasoning skills as they support their peers. We are building our children’s resilience and enthusiasm in Maths, therefore they are willing and able to explain their thinking using accurate mathematical vocabulary.

To complement our Maths sessions, we also use Times Table Rock Stars and Numbots to support and develop the children’s fluency in times tables and addition and subtraction within 20.

In EYFS, we have implemented Mastering Number from the NCETM with Shape, Space and Measure threaded through continuous provision based on planning from White Rose Maths. Mastering Number aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children in EYFS as they start their mathematical journey in our school. We aim to ensure that children leave EYFS and make their way into KS1 with improved fluency in calculation and a greater confidence and flexibility with number.

Please click on the links below to view our long term Maths plan for each year group

In EYFS, we have implemented Mastering Number from the NCETM with Shape, Space and Measure threaded through continuous provision based on planning from White Rose maths. Mastering Number aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children in EYFS as they start their mathematical journey in our school. We aim to ensure that children leave EYFS and make their way into KS1 with improved fluency in calculation and a greater confidence and flexibility with number

Turing North West Maths Hub

Our Maths Lead Mrs. Abraham is a Mastery Specialist and as a school we work closely with Turing NW Maths Hub collaborating as part of a national network of mathematics education professionals.

To find out more about opportunities to work with the Maths Hub please click here.